How Can You Align IT Goals With Business Objectives?

Manipur Valley

How Can You Align IT Goals With Business Objectives?

Aligning IT goals with business objectives is critical to driving success in today’s tech-driven world. But how can technology leaders ensure that their IT strategies are directly contributing to broader business goals? CEOs and CTOs have shared their expert insights on this complex challenge. From delivering regular updates and transparent reports to prioritizing client-driven product development, these eleven strategies offer a clear roadmap for bridging the gap between IT initiatives and overarching business objectives, ensuring that both are moving in the same direction.

  • Deliver Regular Updates and Transparent Reports
  • Implement a Rigorous Governance Framework
  • Address Customer Needs with IT
  • Develop Comprehensive Technology Roadmaps
  • Conduct Strategic Planning Sessions
  • Collaborate with Cross-functional Teams
  • Match Challenges with IT Solutions
  • Focus on ROI and KPIs
  • Communicate and Question Priorities
  • Understand Business Inside and Out
  • Prioritize Client-Driven Product Development

Deliver Regular Updates and Transparent Reports

At Parachute, we focus on building strong relationships with our clients. It’s crucial to sit down with them regularly, not just for troubleshooting, but to discuss their goals and challenges.

One standout experience is when we partnered with a mid-sized law firm struggling with outdated technology and frequent system crashes. Instead of just fixing the immediate issues, we conducted a thorough network assessment and security audit. We then presented them with a comprehensive plan that included regular on-site appointments and continuous monitoring.

Always be ahead of potential issues and keep the business informed about the tech landscape. Regular updates and transparent reporting build trust and ensure the tech side aligns seamlessly with business growth objectives.

Elmo Taddeo, CEO, Parachute

Implement a Rigorous Governance Framework

At our organization, strategic alignment between IT and business objectives is maintained through a rigorous governance framework. This framework establishes clear guidelines and benchmarks for every IT project, ensuring they adhere to our broader business strategies. Each project undergoes a thorough evaluation process where its potential impact on our business objectives is assessed. This structured approach helps mitigate risk and ensures that significant IT resources are invested in areas that promise the highest return in terms of business value.

Governance also includes periodic audits of ongoing projects to ensure they remain aligned with our dynamic business environment, keeping both IT and business strategies adaptable and relevant. This careful stewardship ensures that our technological advancements propel our business forward in meaningful ways.

Alari Aho, CEO and Founder, Toggl Inc

Address Customer Needs with IT

Aligning IT with business goals is crucial for success. For us, it means ensuring our AI-driven video editor directly supports creating engaging e-learning content. We achieve this by focusing on features that enhance learning outcomes, like automated script-to-video generation, intelligent video-editing suggestions, and accessibility tools. By directly addressing educators’ needs, we not only meet business objectives but also drive product innovation.

Aleksey Pshenichniy, Chief R&D Officer,

Develop Comprehensive Technology Roadmaps

In our company, technology roadmaps play a vital role in aligning IT goals with business objectives. We develop these roadmaps with input from all business areas, outlining key technology initiatives that support specific business outcomes over time.

For instance, our move to cloud-based services was driven by the need for scalable infrastructure to support our growing client base in e-commerce. By planning this in alignment with anticipated business growth, we ensured our IT capabilities scaled in tandem with client demands, avoiding potential service bottlenecks and maintaining our commitment to delivering excellence.

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs

Conduct Strategic Planning Sessions

We align IT goals with business objectives through strategic planning sessions involving both IT and business leaders. Regularly updating our IT roadmap to reflect business priorities ensures alignment.

For example, when our company aimed to enhance customer experience, we prioritized IT projects that improved customer-support systems. This alignment facilitated the seamless achievement of business goals through targeted IT initiatives.

Alex Stasiak, CEO & Founder, Startup House

Collaborate with Cross-functional Teams

At NAKIVO, our customers are the heartbeat of our innovation. We prioritize IT projects that not only elevate our products’ value but also anticipate and meet evolving market demands. This means investing in cutting-edge features and solutions that delight our customers and fuel business growth. I also collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including sales, marketing, and customer support, to ensure our IT goals are seamlessly aligned with our overall business strategy, creating a harmonious synergy that drives success.

Sergei Serdyuk, VP of Product Management, NAKIVO

Match Challenges with IT Solutions

To align your IT goals with business objectives, you need to pair your business strategy with the IT infrastructure. You need to identify the roadblocks or challenges that are preventing you from achieving your goals and explore IT solutions that can help you overcome them.

Your IT infrastructure should be a means to an end. You need to carefully craft it to fit your needs and allocate the budget or resources accordingly. Each system you deploy or tool you purchase should facilitate your processes and help you improve your overall performance.

Stephanie Wells, Co-founder and CTO, Formidable Forms

Focus on ROI and KPIs

I believe that the best way to align IT goals with business objectives is to focus on ROI. Establish KPIs (tailored to your business) that measure the success of IT investments in terms of cost savings, revenue growth, productivity improvements, etc. Create a detailed IT budget that prioritizes projects with the highest potential ROI.

And don’t forget to regularly review and adjust spending to align with tech changes. I’ve found the most success with IT spending when it drives tangible value and thus supports overall business strategy.

Jack Perkins, Founder and CEO, CFO Hub

Communicate and Question Priorities

You have to talk through not just what you want, but why you want it. If the engineering team has a high-priority codebase improvement task, but it’s not building the feature that sales desperately needs to close more deals, everyone needs to get on a call quickly. Discuss the advantages of these improvements and what they will mean to sales down the line.

Also, question yourself. It’s easy to let your ego get in the way and think your goals are more important simply because they’re yours. Really get in the bird’s-eye perspective of the business and try to understand what needs to take priority.

Finally, when a goal has been set at the top, without a clear direction of how IT can support it, first seek clarification. See if leaders in other departments have ideas. If so, see what you can use. If not, start finding the cracks in the existing system and processes, and work with your team to think of ways technology can support and fill those gaps.

Michael Panik, CIO & Co-Founder, Revise Annuity

Understand Business Inside and Out

Aligning IT goals with business objectives is key to driving success, and I’ve learned a few effective strategies as a technology leader. I am sharing my opinions on this matter.

You need to understand the business inside and out, which means knowing the company’s goals and challenges. Usually, I meet with different department heads to know where IT can make a difference in efficiency or generating revenue.

Then, set IT priorities that support these goals. For example, to improve customer experience, IT might focus on upgrading the CRM system or developing new tools that enhance customer interactions.

Clear communication is also crucial. So, IT and business teams need to stay connected. I hold regular check-ins and ensure the IT team understands how their work directly impacts business goals.

Moreover, it needs to track progress rates with KPIs. I once led a project at Wavel AI to overhaul our support systems, and we monitored metrics like response time and customer satisfaction. After a few tweaks based on the feedback, we saw a 15% boost in customer satisfaction.

Well, aligning IT with business goals is a continuous process, but when done right, it can enhance the company’s overall success. This strategy helped me in my projects and can also help you too.

Sourav Kar, Tech Lead, Wavel AI

Prioritize Client-Driven Product Development

To align IT goals with business objectives, product development should always be driven by the requirements of specific clients or the broader market. Ideally, this should come directly from the client; if they’re willing to pay for a specific feature or development, it should be prioritized. This approach ensures business growth.

And beware not to polish the product just for the sake of it if it doesn’t impact revenue. For example, minor bugs or non-critical issues should only be addressed if they affect the cash flow or if the clients report them. Otherwise, it’s better to focus on what’s directly tied to financial outcomes. To sum up, the product-development pipeline should be built around tasks driven by client or market demands.

Andrew Bluemental, CEO & Co-Founder, Lemon AI