Microsoft Owes $29 Billion in Taxes According to IRS

Microsoft vs IRS

In a recent development, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has conducted an extensive audit examining nearly a decade of Microsoft’s financial reporting. The findings of the audit have revealed that Microsoft owes a staggering $28.9 billion in taxes for the period between 2004 to 2013, including penalties and interest. However, it is important to note that the determination is not yet final, and Microsoft has announced its plans to appeal the decision. The appeals process is expected to take several years, and the outcome of the appeal will not impact Microsoft’s upcoming quarterly report.

Microsoft’s Response

Daniel Goff, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President for Worldwide Tax and Customs, expressed the company’s belief in having followed the IRS’ rules and having paid the taxes owed in the United States and around the world. In a blog post addressing the preliminary IRS finding, Goff emphasized Microsoft’s history of being one of the top U.S. corporate income taxpayers, having paid over $67 billion in taxes to the U.S. since 2004. He also noted that the additional tax owed by the company could potentially be reduced by up to $10 billion due to taxes paid under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Transfer Pricing Dispute

The crux of the disagreement between Microsoft and the IRS lies in the concept of transfer pricing, which pertains to the allocation of profits among different companies and jurisdictions. Transfer pricing plays a crucial role in multinational corporations, allowing them to determine how profits are distributed among their various entities across different countries. This mechanism has been a subject of scrutiny by tax authorities worldwide, as it can be used to manipulate tax liabilities and minimize tax obligations.

Amazon’s Similar Tax Dispute

It is worth mentioning that Microsoft is not the only tech giant to face a tax dispute related to transfer pricing. Seattle-based e-commerce giant, Amazon, also encountered a similar issue and emerged victorious in a legal battle against the IRS in 2017. The outcome of Amazon’s case could potentially have implications for Microsoft’s appeal, providing some precedent in favor of the tech industry.

The Significance of the Tax Amount

To put the $28.9 billion tax amount into context, it is important to consider Microsoft’s financial performance during the period in question. According to historical financial results, Microsoft’s total net income from fiscal year 2004 to fiscal year 2013 amounted to $198.7 billion. Thus, the tax liability represents a significant portion of the company’s earnings for that period.

Potential Impact on Microsoft

While the potential impact of the tax liability on Microsoft’s financial position remains uncertain, it is essential to acknowledge that such a substantial amount could have implications for the company’s operations and future profitability. The        tax bill, if deemed final, may necessitate adjustments to Microsoft’s financial strategies and investment plans. Additionally, the company’s reputation and public image could be affected by the prolonged appeals process and negative publicity surrounding the tax dispute.

The Appeals Process

Microsoft’s decision to appeal the preliminary IRS finding sets in motion a lengthy appeals process that is expected to take several years. During this time, Microsoft will have the opportunity to present its case and challenge the IRS’s determination. The appeals process entails a thorough review of the audit findings, legal arguments, and supporting evidence. Microsoft, like any other taxpayer, has the right to contest the IRS’s assessment and seek a more favorable resolution.

Potential Outcomes

While the final outcome of Microsoft’s appeal remains uncertain, there are several potential scenarios that could unfold. First, Microsoft could succeed in convincing the appeals board to reduce the tax liability or eliminate it altogether. This outcome would be favorable for the company, potentially resulting in significant savings. On the other hand, the appeals board could uphold the IRS’s determination, affirming the tax liability and penalties. In this case, Microsoft would be required to pay the full amount owed, as determined by the IRS. Alternatively, the appeals board could reach a compromise, reducing the tax liability or penalties to a certain extent. This outcome would represent a middle ground between the positions of Microsoft and the IRS.

See first source: GeekWire


Q1: Why does Microsoft owe $28.9 billion in taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducted an extensive audit of Microsoft’s financial reporting spanning from 2004 to 2013. Based on their findings, the IRS determined that Microsoft owes $28.9 billion in taxes, including penalties and interest.

Q2: Is Microsoft planning to appeal the IRS’s decision?

Yes, Microsoft has announced its plans to appeal the IRS’s decision. The appeals process is expected to take several years and will not impact Microsoft’s upcoming quarterly report.

Q3: What is the basis of the disagreement between Microsoft and the IRS?

The primary issue in the dispute between Microsoft and the IRS revolves around transfer pricing, which involves how profits are allocated among different companies and jurisdictions. This concept is crucial for multinational corporations in determining profit distribution across various countries.

Q4: Has any other tech giant faced a similar tax dispute related to transfer pricing?

Yes, Amazon, another tech giant, faced a similar tax dispute related to transfer pricing and successfully won a legal battle against the IRS in 2017. The outcome of Amazon’s case may have implications for Microsoft’s appeal.

Q5: How significant is the $28.9 billion tax liability for Microsoft?

To contextualize the tax liability, it’s essential to consider Microsoft’s financial performance during the period in question. Microsoft’s total net income from 2004 to 2013 was $198.7 billion, making the tax liability a significant portion of its earnings for that period.

Q6: What potential impact could the tax liability have on Microsoft?

The potential impact of the tax liability on Microsoft’s financial position remains uncertain. However, such a substantial amount could necessitate adjustments to the company’s financial strategies and investment plans. It may also affect Microsoft’s reputation and public image due to the prolonged appeals process and negative publicity.

Q7: What are the potential outcomes of Microsoft’s appeal?

The outcomes of Microsoft’s appeal could vary. The company may succeed in reducing or eliminating the tax liability through its appeal. Alternatively, the appeals board could uphold the IRS’s determination, requiring Microsoft to pay the full amount. A compromise outcome, reducing the liability or penalties to some extent, is also possible. The final outcome remains uncertain and will be determined through the appeals process.

Featured Image Credit: Kelly Sikkema; Unsplash – Thank you!