November 2003 Online Extras

24/7 SERVICES Proprietary Payback Tool: Evaluating Time to Payback To analyze lines of code and development costs and

Battling That Pesky Weight Problem

In life-and-death decisions, people want facts. Health insurance with “medium” coverage doesn’t cut it at the emergency room,

New Balance: Shoe Fits

You are a salesman for the New Balance Athletic Shoe company. You’re driving to Boulder, Colo., one Monday

SRC Software: On the Button

SRC may be helping companies such as New Balance Athletic Shoe gaze into the future. But most of

New Balance Player Roster

Insiders Jim Davis, Chairman and CEO Davis bought New Balance for $100,000 in 1972—on the day of the

Controlling the Air Waves

Wireless local-area networks are notoriously insecure. So why do organizations offer wireless access to their networks or Internet