Silicon Valley leans towards Trump, citing Harris policy concerns

"Valley Concerns"

Noted Silicon Valley stalwart and managing partner at 8VC, Jon Lonsdale, has noted a curious trend. Among his fellow business leaders, Lonsdale is witnessing a burgeoning support for ex-President Trump. And the root of this trend? It might well be anxiety over Vice President Kamala Harris’s policy preferences.

From his vantage, Lonsdale has observed a distinct tilt in political preferences amongst the Valley’s elite. More of them are throwing their weight behind Trump, a shift seen quite prominently since 2016. In fact, nearly half of the industry leaders Lonsdale knows express unease over the growing prominence of far-left ideologies.

Alarmingly, argues Lonsdale, these far-left ideologies carry the potential to undermine Silicon Valley’s innovative spirit.

Silicon Valley’s Trump support increases due to Harris’s policies

Principles fostering societal progression and development, he believes, need to be prioritized.

Not everyone, however, sees this Trump-ward shift in the same light. Entrepreneur Mark Cuban views it more as a power game than straightforward endorsement. The goal? Use Trump as a power token to secure influence.

A key factor driving Silicon Valley’s leanings toward Trump, Lonsdale indicates, are the policy views of Harris. Her far-left alignment, support for extensive health insurance overhaul, inclination to erase the filibuster to enable the Green New Deal, passive foreign policies, and lack of resistance against “Latin American socialists” and “corrupt NGOs” are drawing concern.

In conclusion, Lonsdale criticizes Harris’s tendency to consistently back policies lacking proven success. He identifies a trend where Harris seems to side with popular opinion rather than well-researched strategies, raising questions about her judgment’s credibility. Lonsdale urges Harris to adopt a more analytical approach to enable effective public policies and enhance decision-making quality.