Q-Games releases new co-op puzzle game

Puzzle Game

Q-Games has released its latest PixelJunk game, All You Need is Help, for consoles and PC. The co-op puzzle game is now available on Xbox/PC Game Pass and Windows, with a general release planned for October 4. All You Need is Help is a puzzle action game where four players work together to fit their creatures into place.

The game features over 100 levels and various mini-games, where players transform into unique shapes. Q-Games CEO Dylan Cuthbert said, “At its core, All You Need is Help is a puzzle game where you are unable to rotate your own character, so like the name suggests – you really need to help each other by rotating your characters and working together to find the solution.”

Cuthbert added, “With the global lockdowns, I became increasingly concerned about the lack of good co-op games. All You Need is Help was born out of the team’s inability to closely communicate with each other during the pandemic as everyone kind of got buried in their own bubble.”

The game was developed during a two-week game jam at the Q-Games office, where the team created various prototypes.

Q-Games fosters team cooperation

All You Need is Help was the favorite and helped the staff come together at a difficult time, providing a sense of cooperation and camaraderie. Cuthbert believes this game will be a great experience for families and friends and bring people closer to one another.

He said, “Players will need to look around and figure out how to fit together into the various puzzle solutions. While your creature can move and run about freely, they are totally unable to rotate. Instead, everyone needs to help out their friends and push them around to the right angles.

I look forward to seeing how players communicate with each other and all the chaos that will ensue!”

All You Need is Help offers a unique cooperative experience, emphasizing teamwork and communication, making it a perfect game for groups looking for a fun and challenging activity.