Pakistan installs firewall, affecting freelancers and businesses

Firewall Impact

Pakistan has installed a firewall as part of a censorship drive, which is hitting businesses and freelancers who rely on online platforms for their work. The government says the move is necessary for national security, but critics argue it curbs freedoms and hinders economic activity. Sajida, a 23-year-old freelance digital content creator, first noticed issues with WhatsApp in the second week of August.

She could not download media files or send voice notes, which are essential for her work. “I rely on WhatsApp to send and receive data from my clients, which I then use for content creation,” she said.

Pakistan firewall challenges freelancers’ work

“Disruption of this feature on WhatsApp meant I simply could not work.”

The new censorship measures have impacted various online platforms, causing significant disruptions for businesses and gig workers who depend on online jobs. Freelancers like Sajida are particularly vulnerable, as they need seamless online communication to deliver services and manage client relations. These disruptions come at a time when Pakistan faces various economic and political challenges.

Concerns over free speech and internet freedoms add to the ongoing debates over the nation’s future under the new leadership. The government defends its actions, citing security concerns. However, the adverse effects on digital commerce and the livelihoods of many Pakistani workers are drawing significant criticism from both domestic and international observers.