Medford Police warn community of extortion scam

Extortion Scam

The Medford Police Department is warning the community about an extortion scam targeting local residents. Victims have reported receiving emails from scammers claiming to have personal or incriminating information about them. The scammers demand payment in Bitcoin to prevent the release of this information.

The police advise anyone who receives such an email to delete it immediately and not pay the ransom. They offer tips to protect yourself from scam emails:

Do not open emails from unknown senders. Avoid clicking on suspicious attachments.

Be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar individuals on social media. If you have received these types of emails, report them to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Meanwhile, the Portland Police Bureau has also issued a warning about a similar e-mail scam targeting Portland-area residents.

Medford Police alert on scam

They note the increasing sophistication of these scams, which often use phishing techniques to steal personal information or financial details from victims. The Portland Police Bureau urges residents to verify the authenticity of any e-mails claiming to be from reputable organizations before responding or providing personal information.

They advise reporting suspicious emails to the authorities. According to a news release from the Portland Police Bureau, this type of scam is not new but appears to be more prevalent recently. The scammers threaten to expose sensitive information, such as internet browsing history, unless the recipient pays them in cryptocurrency.

Both police departments emphasize the importance of being cautious and vigilant. They recommend against complying with such demands and instead reporting the scams to local law enforcement. For more information and updates on police activities, the Portland Police Bureau provides news releases through their Open Data Portal and social media channels.

Media inquiries can be directed to the PPB Media Relations team.