Kelsey Hightower on Shifting Developer Roles

Developer Roles

Veteran developer advocate Kelsey Hightower has shared his insights on the evolving software development landscape and the role of generative AI. Hightower, speaking at Civo’s recent Navigate event in Berlin, emphasized a shift in the approach to software development. He argued that the industry needs to rethink what it means to be a software engineer, especially considering the integration of AI technologies.

“Generative AI has potential, but it’s not the wave I’m riding,” Hightower stated. “Many waves, like crypto and NFTs, started with hype but didn’t sustain. We need to focus on what will truly transform our tools and methodologies.”

He compared the current state of software engineering to preparing for the Olympics, suggesting that there should be ongoing support and development for both athletes and coders.

This approach, he said, would ensure that new generations continue to improve and innovate. Hightower highlighted a key issue: “Today, too much time is spent on convincing computers what to do through code. We need to reclaim that time for more creative and productive tasks like prototyping and customer interaction.”

Further delving into the role of AI, he believes that coding assistants can democratize skills that traditionally required extensive experience.

Shifting roles in software engineering

“New developers should learn how to instruct AI rather than mastering every intricacy of legacy languages like C++,” he said. Hightower also spoke about cloud-native computing, noting the significant progress made over the last decade with platforms like Kubernetes.

As Kubernetes marks its tenth anniversary, Hightower remains excited about the possibilities, particularly the advancements in its API. “Kubernetes allows infrastructure to be described with static typing, which is a culture shift from dynamic typing languages like Python,” he explained. “We have only just begun to describe the complexities of our infrastructure.

The potential for customization and specificity is vast.”

He envisions a future where Kubernetes implementations are tailored to meet specific needs, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or at the edge. Drawing a parallel with web browsers like Chrome and Microsoft Edge, Hightower sees Kubernetes evolving similarly, where different experiences are built on the same underlying technology. In conclusion, Hightower advocates for a balanced approach to technological advancements.

He encourages focusing on sustainable, impactful innovations rather than fleeting trends. As the software development industry continues to evolve, his insights offer a roadmap for navigating these changes effectively.