Heiress donates millions for societal betterment

Heiress Donation

Marlene Engelhorn, a wealthy heiress from Austria, has generously decided to donate 25 million euros ($27 million) of her inheritance to support 77 diverse entities. These organizations tackle pressing issues including climate change and social advocacy, many of them working towards progressive political changes.

At 32, Engelhorn’s action clearly demonstrates her commitment to using her fortune for the betterment of the state, opposing the concept of the ‘birth lottery’. In line with this belief, she developed a democratic model to distribute her funds, without exerting personal influence over the allocation process. A diverse group, representative of a broad spectrum of the Austrian populace, was selected for this responsibility.

The Engelhorn family, founders of BASF, passed on their significant wealth through generations. Engelhorn herself acquired her wealth from her grandmother who was married to a direct descendant of Friedrich Engelhorn, the family patriarch.

Heiress Engelhorn’s democratic philanthropy approach

Nonetheless, she was able to separate her personal fortune from her social responsibilities, using it to drive societal growth rather than personal gain.

Her decision to distribute wealth was primarily influenced by her commitment to democratic principles and belief in fair distribution of resources. Engelhorn was adamant that her birth should not warrant her undue amount of power and she was deeply conscious of her social duty to promote equitable access to resources. Her actions strongly mirrored her conviction in democracy and fairness.

A group of 50 individuals, ranging between the ages of 16 and 85, coordinated the fund distribution. They focused on critical issues like wealth inequality, democracy, taxation, and social participation. Notable donations were given to the Momentum Institute and Attac Austria, entities renowned for active work in social advocacy.

In conclusion, Marlene Engelhorn emphasized the responsibility of political leaders to uphold democratic values and sustain dialogues on critical socio-economic issues. She believed that maintaining active engagement in these discussions will serve as a platform to examine and continuously reinforce democratic ideals.