Esteemed Entrepreneur and Academic Ed Roberts Passes Away

Esteemed Entrepreneur

Ed Roberts, a prominent entrepreneur and academic, has sadly passed away at the age of 88. The esteemed professor made significant contributions to MIT Sloan School of Management and left a recognizable mark in the academic and entrepreneurial world.

Roberts’s impactful 70-year career influenced the tech industry for the better. His dedication to nurturing startups expanded the MIT’s footprint in the tech sector. Born in 1935, Roberts sparked his interest in innovation while observing his father’s business before he pursued electrical engineering at MIT.

Postgraduation, Roberts catered to his entrepreneurial spirit and established his own firm, focusing on technology development. His efforts led to the company becoming a remarkable player in the tech sector. Over the years, Roberts continued to inspire the next generation of tech entrepreneurs with his innovative ideas and unending passion for technology.

Roberts shifted his focus to startups during his academic career at MIT. His research found startups to be the most effective means of commercializing new technology. He highlighted the significant role played by entrepreneurial networks in startup success. His innovative approach to understanding startup dynamics majorly influenced the study of entrepreneurship.

In 2000, Roberts took an interest in the concept of incubators. He believed in the importance of a supportive ecosystem for a startup’s success, strongly advocating for the development of structures that foster startup growth. His commitment left an indelible mark on the entrepreneurial world.

Roberts also had a keen interest in social entrepreneurship, believing that startups can significantly contribute to societal issues. His pioneering thoughts on businesses’ role in society made him a well-respected figure in the social entrepreneurship field. His research and teachings continue to inspire the world of startups even post-retirement.

Roberts successfully persuaded MIT to set up an entrepreneurship center within the Sloan School in 1990, recognized as the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. He further contributed to the field with his influential book, “Entrepreneurs in High-Technology: Lessons from MIT and Beyond.”

In addition to academics, Roberts had a significant background in consulting, investing, and corporate board memberships. His professional partnership with Noubar Afeyan, founder of Flagship Pioneering and co-founder of Moderna, led to the development of innovative strategies in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors.

Roberts’ impact was evident through a study he co-authored in 2015, showing that MIT graduates had started thousands of active firms, creating millions of jobs. His enduring legacy continues to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs, both in Boston and globally, perpetuating his teachings and innovations.