DoJ seizes domains linked to Russian election interference

DoJ Seizes

The United States Department of Justice has announced criminal charges and the seizure of internet domains linked to alleged Russian efforts to influence the recent election. The action comes after an investigation revealed that the seized domains were being used to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion during the election period. Attorney General Merrick Garland said, “The Russian government and Russian government-sponsored actors have engaged in a covert campaign to interfere in and influence the outcome of our country’s elections.”

The affidavit alleged that Russian companies, acting under the direction of the Russian presidential administration, used the websites as part of a propaganda campaign designed to influence voters in the run-up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was named in the affidavit.

It further alleged that the fake news ring was also used to undermine support for Ukraine and strengthen pro-Russian policies.

DoJ seizes propaganda domains

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco highlighted that Russia remains a predominant foreign threat to U.S. elections. She stated that the companies concerned acted at Putin’s direction “to covertly promote AI-generated false narratives on social media.”

The DoJ statement and affidavit did not name any specific candidate or party. However, a referenced document made it clear that the preferred candidate is Donald Trump.

Attorney General Garland said, “There is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump campaign were aware of the disinformation campaign.”

FBI director Christopher Wray emphasized that the takedown is only the beginning of operations to ensure fair presidential elections, as free of international meddling as possible. Wray said, “Today’s announcement exposes the scope of the Russian government’s influence operations and their reliance on cutting-edge AI to sow disinformation.”

He continued, “By seizing the disinformation websites, the FBI is making it very clear that these were Russian attempts to interfere in our elections and influence our society.”

These measures are part of a broader strategy by US authorities to safeguard the integrity of elections and ensure that foreign entities cannot disrupt the democratic process. Further details and implications of the charges are expected to unfold as the legal process continues.