California bills on AI, morality spark debate

AI Debate

The California legislature is back in session with just one month left to make final decisions on bills still in play this year. For a bill to pass, it must get approval from both the Assembly and the Senate by the end of August. Governor Newsom will then have until September 30th to make the final call.

The California Family Council (CFC) has put together a list of bills they see as either supporting or going against Biblical values. They are urging people to let their state legislators know their views on these bills. On the list of good bills the CFC wants people to support is SB 268.

This bill would make rape of an intoxicated person a “violent” felony if the rapist caused the intoxication by giving the victim drugs. Another bill the CFC backs is SB 1414. It would make buying a minor for sex a felony with hefty prison time and fines.

The bill has been weakened as it has moved through committees. But the CFC and other supporters want lawmakers to make it strong again to better protect kids. The CFC is also asking people to tell their representatives to vote no on several bills.

California legislative decisions spark controversy

One is AB 1825. It would limit the ability of public libraries to keep sexually explicit material away from kids.

AB 2085 is also on the CFC’s bad bill list. It would force cities to approve abortion clinics and exempt them from environmental rules other businesses have to follow. The CFC is against AB 2490 as well.

It would give money to hospitals to turn their emergency rooms into abortion facilities. The goal is to increase the number of places abortions can be done in California. Other bills the CFC opposes include SB 954, which would require public schools to give free condoms to students in grades 9-12 and let schools give them to 7th and 8th graders too.

AB 2442 would fast-track medical licenses for doctors willing to give kids puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender transition surgeries. The CFC questions a provision in AB 1810 that would offer female inmates all birth control methods. They argue this implies an expectation of sexual activity and potential pregnancies among prisoners.

The group is also against HR 113, which would make August “Transgender History Month” to celebrate the contributions of transgender people. The CFC sees this as going against the Biblical view of gender as male or female.