Injuries That Go Beyond Minor Concussions

Injuries That Go Beyond Minor Concussions; motor vehicle accidents

At some point, we have all gotten a minor or severe bone injury from an activity in our lives. Accidents are categorized as the biggest cause of broken bones, leaving victims with a traumatizing experience of trying to regain normally, which in most cases becomes impossible to achieve due to the degree of breakage.

In this article, we will look into broken bones caused by motor vehicle accidents, providing you with all the information necessary to make the right choices when such a situation occurs to you or your loved ones.

Understanding the concept of broken bones

Bones can be described as the main supporting structure of the human body that allows it to operate efficiently. Any dysfunction of the bones can result in so much pain that it has to be medically handled. The most common types of breakage include;

Internal breakage

This type of breakage is not evident from the top of the skin. It occurs in situations where one can only tell there is a breakage from the pain that they feel and the swelling on the outside part of the skin.

Open breakage

This is a type of breakage in which the broken bone protrudes to the outside layer of the skin. It is very painful and normally takes a long time to fix.

Complete breakage

This is considered the most extreme type of breakage because all bones are broken into smaller pieces that are normally unfixable. This type of breakage requires long treatment periods and, in most instances, leaves the body with permanent marks and underlying conditions.

How can you tell that someone has a broken bone? 

The signs of broken bones vary depending on the intensity. Some of the most common signs include;

  • Extreme pain
  • Swelling
  • Protruding skin
  • Difficulty to move
  • Bleeding

What are the causes of broken bones?

Broken bones can be as a result of various things, which include;

  • Falling from top surfaces
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Violence
  • Sports
  • Direct blow

Understanding the concept of car accidents as a cause of broken bones

Accidents are categorized as one of the causes of broken bones. In Houston, broken bones as a result of motor vehicle accidents are very prevalent, which can lead you to sustain either minor injuries or severe injuries, which, if not treated early, can result in life-threatening changes.

Long-term effects of broken bones

Accidents normally occur with a very great impact, causing severe damage to the bones. While conditions such as simple bone fractures can be treated through physical therapy and taking medication, complete breakage can result in long-term consequences.

Some of the effects include;

  • Nerve damage
  • Permanent mobility issues
  • Increased infections
  • A lifetime of taking medications

The period that broken bones take to heal

The treatment of broken bones depends on their severity. For instance, a small concussion can take up to a month to treat, while broken bones from a bad accident can take a whole lifetime to treat.  Therefore, there is no standard period from which one can heal their broken bones. Some of the factors that determine the healing period include;

  • The cause of the breakage
  • The intensity of the breakage
  • Which bone was broken
  • The treatment that you need

What you should do in case you get a broken bone in an accident

in instances where you get into a car accident that leaves you with broken bones, you can take the following steps to ensure that you get immediate help and the aftermaths of the accident are dealt with;

Medical attention

Having recognized that severe bones are mostly life-threatening conditions, you must seek medical attention immediately after the accident occurs. If you happen to be passing by the accident scene and notice people who have suffered from broken bones, you can conduct first aid to save their lives as you call the ambulance and medical personnel for further treatment.

Report the incident to the police station

It is important to report the incident to the police station and seek medical attention if you cannot get ambulance services.

Medical Follow-ups

in most instances, accidents cause underlying conditions that are barely noticeable upon the occurrence of the accidents.  You must do continuous medical check-ups to assess inner body tissues and check whether there is any form of damage.

Take legal action

In order to obtain compensation for the hurt that you have faced, it is prudent that you seek legal measures.

Follow up with your insurance company

Getting an insurance cover for your vehicle is one of the requirements for vehicles in most jurisdictions. That means that if the vehicles are involved in an accident, the insurance company should compensate them for the loss and damage.

Safety measures that you should take to avoid getting broken bones

Recognizing that accidents are a major cause of broken bones, you must take all the necessary safety measures when traveling to avoid breaking your bones. Some of the most common measures that you can take are;

Wear protective gear

When traveling, it is important to wear protective gear such as helmets, gloves, gumboots, and heavy clothes to avoid breaking your bones.

Wear your seatbelt

Seatbelts are strategically placed to prevent people from breaking their bones in case of an accident. Therefore, it is important to wear a seatbelt at all times when traveling.


Most vehicles are fitted with airbags to prevent one from being hurt in case of an accident. These airbags are very instrumental in preventing the breakage of bones upon the occurrence of an accident.

Avoid overspeeding

Research has shown that most motor vehicle accidents are caused by overspeeding. An accident resulting from overspeeding normally produces a great impact, which can cause severe injury and damage to the human body. To avoid breaking your bones in case of an accident, drive your vehicle at a very minimum speed.

Take disciplinary measures 

This applies to individuals who use public means of transport. Normally, to make profits, public vehicles tend to carry excess passengers and not comply with traffic laws. As a result, so many of them get into accidents, causing their passengers to suffer injuries, among them being broken bones. To protect yourself, anytime you get into such type of vehicle, ensure that you report them to the necessary authorities.

Check on your diet

To have strong bones, you must eat foods rich in calcium. Additionally, you can take artificial calcium supplements to help strengthen your bones.

Avoid standing on tall surfaces

If possible, avoid standing on tall surfaces. This will prevent you from falling down and breaking your bones.


Having understood the severity of broken bones in an accident, it is prudent to take the necessary measures that will guarantee your quick recovery or management of the long-term consequences.

Among the many factors that you can consider are eating foods rich in calcium, avoiding standing on tall surfaces, always wearing your seatbelt when traveling, and avoiding overspending. A Healthy bones make a healthy life! Take care of yourself.