Experts reveal disconnect in workplace AI expectations

Workplace Disconnect

A recent study conducted in partnership with The Upwork Research Institute reveals a significant disconnect between the expectations of C-suite executives and the experiences of employees when it comes to the impact of AI in the workplace. The study involved interviews with 2,500 global C-suite executives, full-time employees, and freelancers. While 96% of C-suite leaders expect AI to boost worker productivity, 77% of employees report that AI has actually increased their workload, hampering productivity and leading to burnout.

Nearly half (47%) of the employees using AI expressed uncertainty about meeting the productivity expectations set by their employers, and 40% feel that their companies are demanding too much of them when it comes to AI adoption. The strain from rising productivity demands has left one in three full-time employees considering quitting their jobs in the next six months due to feeling overworked and burnt out. In contrast, freelancers are cited as being more adept at meeting productivity demands and often surpassing the output of full-time employees.

Kelly Monahan, Managing Director and Head of The Upwork Research Institute, emphasizes the need for a fundamental shift in how organizations organize talent and work to fully unlock AI’s potential. She offers four strategies for employers to consider:


Disconnect in AI workplace expectations

Invest beyond the tech stack through additional investments to effectively implement AI within organizations. 2. Leverage freelancers to bring in outside experts for AI projects and jumpstart innovation.

3. Rethink productivity metrics by shifting focus from efficiency-only metrics to include creativity, innovation, and adaptability. 4.

Adopt skill-based hiring by organizing work based on skills rather than traditional job descriptions. Employees are encouraged to engage with AI by participating in training programs, providing feedback on AI tools, and learning from skilled freelancers to alleviate workload concerns and improve proficiency with AI. The study highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of AI in the workplace, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach that includes leveraging diverse talent pools and rethinking productivity to achieve desired productivity gains and enhance employee well-being.