The Hidden Costs of a Car Accident You Must Know

Car accidents are traumatic events that can greatly impact someone’s life, especially in Atlanta, where they happen all too often. There are about 4,593 car accidents in the city every month. That’s roughly 151 accidents each day, or 6 every single hour. The aftermath of these accidents is something no one wants to experience.

Other than the dented bumpers or shattered windshields, there are many hidden costs. These costs can linger far longer than the physical damage to your vehicle. If you were involved in a car accident somewhere in Atlanta, the first thing to do after checking for injuries and everyone’s safety is to find car accident lawyers in Atlanta. They help you determine every cost associated with a car accident.

With that being said, here are some unexpected costs you might have to carry after an accident.

The Financial Burden of a Car Accident

If the car accident has physically impacted you or someone who was traveling with you, you might have to carry a huge medical expense. Let’s have a look at some of the unexpected costs that can drain your financial ability.

Medical expenses are the first and most substantial hidden cost of a car accident. Even if you have a minor collision, it can result in injuries that need medical attention. This can include doctor visits, emergency room care, physical therapy, and medications. These costs quickly increase if you don’t have adequate health insurance coverage.

Car repair costs are another cost that you may not have expected. Even though it depends on the accident’s severity, getting your car back on the road can be expensive. Repairs usually range from minor dent removal to a complete overhaul of the car. Add in the costs of towing, rental cars, and the potential depreciation of your vehicle’s value.

Car accidents can cause injuries that require you to rest, and you may not be able to work. While you take time off work to recover from an injury, there’s a chance you’ll experience lost wages. People who have remote jobs may not experience this trouble.

After a car crash, your insurance premiums may go up. This is because insurance companies view drivers who have been in accidents as having higher risks.

The Impact on Victim’s Physical Health

The physical consequences of a car accident can be just as devastating as the financial ones. Car accidents can cause multiple physical pains, like muscle strains, whiplash, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). The healing process can be longer than expected, and the pain may linger for weeks, months, or years.

Injuries from a car accident can limit your mobility and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. You might also need physical therapy to regain your strength and ability to move. Some car accident injuries need continuous medical care. It could be surgery, chronic pain management, or rehabilitation. These costs can increase over time.

The Emotional and Mental Impact

Flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression are symptoms of PTSD, which can develop after a traumatic car accident. The fear of driving again or the general anxiety that comes with being on the road is also a very common consequence many victims face.

The physical limitations and emotional stress after a car crash can cause depression. You might also feel frustrated because of the injustice of being involved in an accident and all the financial and emotional burdens.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

After a car accident, there’s a lengthy legal process. It’s always better to look for experienced car accident lawyers in Atlanta. They’ll guide you through the entire process of filing a claim, negotiating with the insurance company, and getting the best compensation to cover the hidden costs. A lawyer can investigate the accident, gather evidence, build a strong case, and represent your interests throughout the legal process.

The Final Note

A car accident that involves you or your loved ones can be devastating for your physical and mental health. Beyond the immediate damage to your car or external injuries, hidden costs are a big factor to consider. If you have been in an accident, seek legal representation to recover most of the charges for your loss, both financial and non-financial. Take steps to protect yourself and have a smooth recovery process.